About Us

TIPoT (Tiny IP of Things) Technologies Inc. is a Canadian company based on Ottawa, the capital city of Canada, which is also one of Canada’s largest high tech cities and nicknamed “Silicon Valley North”.

Over the years, TIPoT Technologies Inc. has been focusing on the technologies that enable TCP/IP (IPv6) based communications over low power and low rate wireless sensor networks (WSNs), namely, modular research and development (R&D) platform, robust real-time embedded operating system and communication protocols, and novel Internet of Things (IoT) solutions and applications.


TIPoT Technologies Inc. is aiming to establish its leading position in the world for supplying low-cost, flexible, feature rich R&D and prototyping platform for TCP/IP (IPv6)  over low power and low rate wireless sensor networks, with end-to-end application framework and built on fully open-source operating system and communication protocols. In the meantime, TIPoT is developing a number of innovative/customized IoT solutions and applications for various IoT areas including wearable devices, healthcare and fitness, safety and security, smart home/office/building, consumer electronics, industry control & monitoring, agriculture and environmental monitoring.


The TIPoT team has significant experience in innovative product design, research and development, including hardware, firmware, software, mobile applications, wireless communication/networking technologies, network testing and evaluation, and cyber-security. Their current R&D activities focus on the use of the mentioned expertise in wireless sensor networks, Internet of Things applications, Smart Grid, and light-weight cyber-security. They have been working on experimental research and development of wireless sensor network and IoT technology for many years. In addition to the many research papers they published in top scientific journals and conferences, they have two pending patents and are in the process of filing another two invention disclosures on novel wireless sensor network/IoT technologies.

Inspired by the open source initiative and to offer low-cost solution with non-constrained R&D flexibility, the TIPoT platform is developed based on free open source software, with the following notable features:
